@KTzone » 成人資源BT » 資源 - 情色動畫資源 » Netorare Zuma OVA[mkv/195.86MB]

2013-5-20 20:51 watasiwaivan
Netorare Zuma OVA[mkv/195.86MB]

[b]Netorare Zuma OVA[mkv/195.86MB][/b]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        [img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/3/39895.jpg[/img]

Type: OVA
Episodes: Unknown
Status: Currently Airing
Aired: Aug 17, 2012 to ?
Producers: MS Pictures
Genres: Hentai

Reiko is sexually frustrated because her husband is obsessed with an idol that looks like her and only says the idols name during sex. Reiko tells Hiroaki's friend Taniguchi about this and offers to become sex friends to release all her pent up frustrations.


[url=http://filemarkets.com/file/ivango/c144775b/]下载: Netorare Zuma - 01.torrent[/url]

2013-5-24 10:43 花菱薰o
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