2011-2-20 20:33
Adele 愛黛兒-「21 二十一歲」專輯[Flac整軌][FS/BS] 2011增曲限量版
【專輯名稱】二十一歲(增曲限量版)21 - Limited Edtion
【藝人團體】愛黛兒 Adele
【發行公司】XL Recordngs
【唱片編號】XLCD 520E
【檔案空間】Fileserve / Filesonic / Bitshare
Rick Rubin(U2、Green Day)、Paul Epworth(Bloc Party、Cee-Lo Green)、Jim Abbiss(Arctic Monkeys)三大製作人共同操盤
2008年,一個來自英國的19歲女孩,用滿佈騷靈媚惑的細膩旋律,寫下關於迷走愛情的青春紀事。從BBC「Sound Of 2008」名單榜首,與British Sea Power、Radiohead同台角逐指標性水星音樂獎,到一路挺進大西洋彼岸的葛萊美獎風光抱回「最佳新人」、「最佳流行女歌手」,Adele不僅獲封「新艾美懷絲」的亮眼頭銜,為流行音符注入的繽紛色彩與超齡唱作才情,更讓首張專輯《19》橫掃全球排行、銷售突破200萬大關,締造出〈Chasing Pavements〉、〈Hometown Glory〉和〈Make You Feel My Love〉等暢銷單曲。
睽違兩年,這張Adele宣稱深受Wanda Jackson、Mary J Blige、Elbow、Tom Waits和Kanye West等各領域翹楚影響的重量級新作《21》,除了邀來前作的Jim Abbiss(Arctic Monkeys、Kasabian)再度坐鎮外,更獲得時代雜誌「全球百大影響力人物」傳奇製作人Rick Rubin(U2、Green Day)與炙手可熱的英倫新秀Paul Epworth(Cee-Lo Green、Bloc Party)共同加持。於2010年底搶先曝光的首波主打〈Rolling In The Deep〉,旋即以拿手靈魂曲式下湧現的澎湃藍調福音神采,展現令人驚豔的完美蛻變;隨後搖滾新貴OneRepublic主唱Ryan Tedder助陣的〈Rumour Has It〉,交融搖滾與福音靈魂元素,打造跳脫框架的獨特流行風韻;至於淒楚琴音和柔美弦樂旋畫出的傷感情韻〈Turning Tables〉、瀰漫鄉村民謠氣息的〈Don’t You Remember〉與流露雋永藍調質感的〈One And Only〉與清新吉他小品〈Lovesong〉,則以百變風情訴說著關於蝕骨情愛的百般糾結。自信遊走靈魂、藍調、民謠、鄉村以至福音領域,21歲的 Adele,捨棄當代流行樂壇氾濫的合成樂機械化操弄,以更成熟而高雅的姿態,帶我們徜徉那懷舊而真摯的浪漫情懷!
Exclusive import pressing includes two bonus tracks; 'If It Hadn't Been For Love' and 'Hiding My Heart'. 2011 sophomore album from the British vocalist.. Most of the album was recorded in Malibu with the legendary Rick Rubin (Johnny Cash, Jay Z, Red Hot Chili Peppers) and back in Kensal Rise in London with Paul Epworth (Plan B, Bloc Party, Florence). Adele cites Wanda Jackson, Yvonne Fair, Andrew Bird, Mary J Blige, Mos Def, Elbow, Tom Waits and Kanye West amongst others as key influences on 21. About its release she says 'I'm very excited, nervous, eager, anxious but chuffed to announce my new album! It's taken a while and it knocked me for six when writing it. It's different from 19, it's about the same things but in a different light. I deal with things differently now. I'm more patient, more honest, more forgiving and more aware of my own flaws, habits and principles. Something that comes with age I think. So fittingly this record is called 21. The whole reason I called my first album 19 was about cataloging what happened to me then and who I was then, like a photo album you see the progression and changes in a person throughout the years'.
1. Rolling In The Deep
2. Rumour Has It
3. Turning Tables
4. Don't You Remember
5. Set Fire To The Rain
6. He Won't Go
7. Take It All
8. I'll Be Waiting
9. One And Only
10. Love Song
11. Someone Like You
Bonus track:
12. Rolling In The Deep
13. If It Hadn’t Been For Love
※Don't You Remember
※Someone Like You
※Rolling In The Deep
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